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Bli et franchise-hotell ny

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Bli et franchise-hotell ny

First Hotels is a leading hotel chain with a wide selection of hotels in our portfolio, comprising unique and centrally located hotels in selected cities in Norway, Sweden and Denmark.

First Hotels offers you as a hotel owner opportunities to market your hotel in the best possible way. Our principal focus is to make sure that your hotel increases its revenues as well as reduces its distribution costs.

We assist you with sales, marketing, e-commerce, distribution and revenue management as well as ensure that your hotel is visible on the market through various concepts, programs and channels.

Our loyalty program is one of the strongest and best in the industry. Our franchise fees are competitive so that you as a member of our organisation can reduce both your purchasing and distribution costs.

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Short facts about First Hotels:

  • 30 unique hotels in Scandinavia
  • Established in 1993
  • Headquarter location: Oslo
  • Plug & play solution for hoteliers
  • 430 000+ loyalty members